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Data Stealing Malware on Internal Computer of Japan Space Agency

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) announce that their computer has been infected with a virus, leading to a possible leak of data on its H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) the craft popularly known as Konotori that hauls cargo for the International Space Station (ISS). JAXA still isn't sure how the virus got on the computer, or who put it there.

JAXA said the infection occurred on July 6 last year, when an employee in his 30s involved in the HTV's operation at the Tsukuba Space Center opened an e-mail attachment titled "bonenkai". An identical e-mail was also sent to several coworkers, but the employee accidentally opened the attachment as the sender had the same name as one of his friends. The space agency is working to minimize the damage and prevent further incursions.

JAXA is now conducting an investigation into the leak and is checking other computers for viruses, according to the press release. The agency said it would provide further details about the leaked information at an unspecified date.


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