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Change Operating System To Window 8(Without Transformation Pack)

Well, its true that Microsoft hasn't launched its "Windows 8" in Market but I have changed my OS in it without 'using any Transformation Pack'..
Every1 knows that Windows 8 is specially for Touch Screen Desktops. So, Here is the First Look of its Desktop which is full of Wigets, Shortcut links and specially Graphics, It is also called Metro-Desktop.. 

How to convert Your Desktop in it??

1. Go to Install this rainmeter 2.1 software and run it to your PC or Laptop.

2. After installing Rainmeter, download the Omnimo 4 add-on from Unzip it and then launch "Setup.rmskin" to start the installation.

3. Now choose the center theme "Windows-8 Startup Screen" and then the screen resolution.
The new interface starts immediately after installation.
for fine tuning, Right click on the desktop and Choose WP7→Background→bg.ini..
Now u can access ur desktop icons too..

Above trick is for Windows 7. If you want to do this in Windows XP, you have to install these three Softwares..

1.  DotNetFramework(version 2.0 will work fine)
2. Windows Installer 3.1
3.  Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable..


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