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Top 5 Reasons – Why Crackers Do Cracking ?

#1 Hacking for Pride
Well, pride may not just fit into this sentence as pride is something in positive sense but what crackers bring is something totally negative. Maximum crackers crack security for different reasons and so called – “pride” is the major reason. Some crackers feel proud when they crack their country’s enemy site(s). And then, some crackers from the attacked country side do the same thing and that’s how this cracking keeps on going on. Some crackers crack security just for the black reputation. They want everyone to know about them and these types of hackers are the most dangerous.

#2 To Steal Bandwidth
It is another reason why crackers crack but not everyone knows about this one like the previous one. Stealing bandwidth is completely illegal but is being done at very large rate. Crackers root the servers and take off a huge piece of attacked site’s bandwidth; later that bandwidth can even be used to do further cracking.
#3 Illegal Content
There are always some rumors that some countries have their team of best hackers which it sometimes use to steal the secret information of different countries, well these are all rumors, no one knows the truth. Whatever it may be but crackers do something similar too, they crack to steal illegal information. Some crackers steal credit card details while some crackers crack for stealing even more confidential information.
#4 Search Engine Optimization
You must be thinking that getting backlinks from a rooted site might not be a good decision for search engine optimization but for crackers it is, rather the best crackers. Some crackers root the sites, and then inject keywords of their choice in the rooted database. This way they get better pagerank but once Google finds this it punishes the cracker’s site hardly, hardly means something really hard.
#5 For Testing
Whenever you learn something new, you always get obsessed by the feeling of trying it. This thing happens with crackers too. Some crackers crack sites just for the testing purpose. They learn hacking from different, rather better crackers and then they just shoot off to try cracking themselves.


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