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Best Windows Freeware – Office Applications

Office Applications

  1. Foxit PDF Reader – pdf reader
  2. Doc Converter – document converter
  3. Convert – unit converter4
  4. Converber – unit converter5
  5. Sunbird – calendar/organizer
  6. PhraseExpress – speed up your writing
  7. SSuite Office – Free alternative office suite (Recommended by a Reader)
  8. Celtx – Celtx is a comprehensive software package designed for people who work in the film, TV, theater, and new media industries. It combines full-feature script writing with media rich pre-production support and enables online collaboration.
  9. LyX – LyX combines the power and flexibility of the TeX typesetting system with the ease of use of a graphical interface. This results in world-class support for creation of mathematical content and structured documents. In addition, staples of scientific authoring such as reference list and index creation come standard. But you can also use LyX to create a letter or a novel or a theater play or film script. A broad array of ready, well designed document layouts are built in.
  10. – Office suite, like Microsoft Office and compatible with MS Office formats. Word processor, Spreadsheets, Publisher, Presentation, HTML, and Powerful database (like Access) products. Impress (Like Powerpoint) exports to many formats including SWF (Flash). All can be exported as PDF. Highly recommended.
  11. OpenWorkbench – Open Workbench is an open source Windows-based desktop application that provides robust project scheduling and management functionality and is free to distribute throughout the enterprise. Like MS Project.
  12. RoughDraft – Really nice word processor geared towards authors created by an author.
  13. Scribus – Desktop publishing application similar to Pagemaker.Look here if you have trouble finding the installer.
  14. Winplanner – Project management application.