Blogger Widgets


Computer is an Electronic Machine which receives input from user, stored it, proceed it and give output which is useful for mankind. Modern computers are electronic and digital. The actual machinery -- wires, transistors, and circuits -- is called hardware; the instructions and data are called software.


A network is a group of two or more computer systems linked together. There are many types of computer networks, Including Local-area networks (LANs), Wide-area networks (WANs), Campus-area networks (CANs), Metropolitan-area networks MANs), home-area networks (HANs)


News has two priorities: it must be current, and it must mean something to people. A story about the environment and a story about the Oscars can both be newsworthy, for different reasons. On the surface at least, the objective of news is to inform the audience. It's the job of all the news media to tell people what's going on in their community - locally, nationally or globally. In this sense, the news media provide a valuable public service.

Mobile Prices

A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand phone) is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link whilst moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station.


On a computer that is provided with a desktop kind of user interface, wallpaper is the background pattern or picture against which desktop menus, icons, and other elements are displayed and moved around. A wallpaper image can be in a JPEG or a GIF file format.

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How To Get Product Key Of Your Windows & Other Programs

product key
Hello there,
Today we are here on a very important topic “How to get Product key”. Sometimes we need Product of the window or other Software/programs to use it. So here we are giving a very easy trick to get the product key of your window as well as other programs installed on your System. As everyone know that it is very frustrating when you don’t know how to get product key of it. When we want to use window in other system and install it or any software. At last when it comes to the part when it needs Product key to get access and you don’t have any idea. So don’t get frustrate and just download this Product key finder.When you’ll run this program you’ll see just like the image below.Just copy the product key you need and enter at the proper place.That’s it ! You are done ;)
window product key

You can see that how easy it is to find product key.
Good bye :)
Key finder | Version : 2.0.1 | Size : 340 KB | Download 

Funny Computer Mistake Trick

PC calculatorYo Friends…As you know we love to give funny tricks here for you. So this is a funny mistake by PC calculator. Follow these steps to see the trick:
Go to start then go to run
type calc in the box
It will open the calculator
Now type 4 and then click on root symbol
It will show the answer: 2
then click on subtract symbol(-) and type 2
As you know 2-2 is always 0 but it will show you the answer like this

PC calculator trickEnjoy the life :) And keep visiting for latest updates :)

CIA-Book Of Dirty Tricks | EBook

CIA-Book of dirty tricks
Hi readers,
Hungry for tricks ? Here I bring a bunch of tricks for you guys but be careful , all are dirty tricks :P
Introduction :
Some dirty tricks for revenge can get you into a lot of trouble. Hopefully we’re not trying to kill anyone, but I know a few dirty tricks. The old standby of slipping your mark a laxative at an inopportune moment is always funny, although it can be messy. I’ve also heard of spiking a drink with a teaspoon of syrup of ipecac to make them projective vomit, which is another nasty way to get revenge.
For more ideas you can  download this book ;)
CIA-Book of dirty tricks | Author : Thomas Jefferson | Published :February 28, 2009 |
Language : English | Pages :119 |Format : PDF | File Size : 289 KB | Download 

How To Recover Deleted Files In Your PC

data recovery PC
Hi Readers,
Are you worrying about the data you have deleted and now you want to get it back. This can be a big problem even if it happened by mistake. If you have deleted any data and now you want to restore it again to your PC. Then here is a software for you. If you are facing this problem then it can be very useful for you. This software is known as Recuva. Just download from the link given below and install it on your system.
Now just choose the correct option and click restore.
That’s it :)

Have a Good day !!!
Recuva | File Size : | Download 

How To Hide Folder In Any Mobile (Without Software)

Folder LockHello to everyone ,sitting in front of the screen and reading this amazing post. This is an amazing trick and slightly different from other tricks because this trick can be done on many brand’s mobiles like Nokia, Samsung, LG etc. So here’s a short little trick. Just follow these steps:
  1. Just go to the folder which you want to hide
  2. Now rename the folder with adding “.jad” without quotes at the end of folder’s name E.g you want to hide your Songs folder then just go to the place where you can see the folder and rename it with songs.jad
  3. Now create another folder with same name in the same directory but add “.jar” without quotes at the end of the folder’s name E.g Songs.jar
  4. Now you have hide the file safely from unwanted eyes.

Latest Working Facebook Chat Animations

Facebook chat emotions

Here are some facebook chat emotions which are working. We have tested almost all the chat emotions and then those are the only which are working right now. The codes is given below Just enter the code in the facebook chat and give your chat some emotions.
[[394930959230]] :-  In Sleep Animated Smiley.
[[126229700722316]]- pickachu fight
[[126216480723638]]- butterfly